Work in
You have already obtained your professional qualification in healthcare abroad and now wish to work in Germany?
That's fantastic! Before you can start, your foreign qualification needs to be assessed and recognized by a German authority. As an accredited nursing school, we are here to assist and support you on your personal journey!
How We Can Help You:
We will advise and support you throughout the entire recognition process.
Our experts will carefully review your documents, assist you in compiling all necessary paperwork, and help you apply for recognition.
If your qualification cannot be recognized immediately, we offer the necessary courses to ensure full recognition.
We will also assist you in finding an internship or job in your desired field.
The Recognition Procedure:
In Germany, a government authority assesses whether your foreign qualification is comparable to a German qualification. This process, also known as the recognition procedure or equivalency assessment, typically takes several months.
After the authority reviews your documents, your qualification may be fully recognized immediately. However, if the reviewing body identifies any discrepancies, you will receive a so-called deficit notice. In this case, you can attend courses at our nursing school to address these deficits and achieve full recognition.
6 Steps
Come to us for a personal consultation.
Together, we'll explore how we can assist you. Whether you have already applied for recognition or are unsure about the steps to take, we are here to support you at every stage.
We review your documents and assist you with the application.
If you have not yet applied for recognition, we will review your documents and compile all the necessary paperwork. Together, we will submit your application. Afterwards, the authority will assess whether your qualification is equivalent to a German qualification.
You will receive either your recognition or a deficit notice.
We have received a response to your application. There are now two possibilities: 1. Congratulations! Your recognition has been granted, and you can now work as a professional in Germany. 2. You receive a so-called interim notice, which identifies deficits in your training.
If you receive a deficit notice: Choose between a knowledge test or an adaptation course.
Received a deficit notice? Don’t worry! Together, we will review your notice and determine the next steps. Generally, you have two options: 1. Knowledge Test: You will take an oral and practical examination in nursing. 2. Adaptation Course: If certain practical areas or educational content are missing compared to a German qualification, you can complete a course with us to address these gaps.
You participate in the knowledge test or the adaptation course.
To obtain your recognition, you need to choose one of the two paths. We offer both the knowledge test with preparation and the adaptation course, and we assist you with the registration. Both can be completed directly at our nursing school.
After successfully completing the process, you will receive your recognition. We will be happy to assist you in finding your dream job!

Modular Preparation Course Including Knowledge Test for Foreign Nursing Professionals
Full-time / Part-time
Start Date: 11.11.2024
Location: Hagen

Conducting the Knowledge Test for Foreign Nursing Professionals
Knowledge Test
Oral Examination:
Practical Examination:
By appointment
Location: Hagen
For more information on the recognition procedure in Germany, please visit: