
Our extensive training and continuing education offerings are fully eligible for funding. Here are the details:

Education Voucher: - up to 100 %

If you wish to undertake professional training or retraining, the Employment Agency or Job Center can support you with an education voucher, covering up to 100% of the costs. To obtain an education voucher, you must meet certain individual requirements, which will be discussed in a personal consultation. If all conditions are met, you will receive the education voucher from the Employment Agency or Job Center.

For more information, visit www.arbeitsagentur.de

Education Check: 

The Education Check funding ended on June 30, 2024. However, as part of the NRW Skills Offensive, the state government intends to continue offering flexible support for individual professional development for people with lower incomes. The new funding, financed by the European Social Fund, is expected to be available from autumn.

For more information, visit www.mags.nrw/bildungsscheckwww.bildungspraemie.info

Qualification Opportunities Act:

The Qualification Opportunities Act provides new training opportunities for employees. Employees generally have access to training funding regardless of qualification, age, and company size if they need further training due to digital structural change or other structural changes.

For more information, visit www.arbeitsagentur.de

Activation and Placement Voucher

The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is issued by the Job Center and is used to provide funding opportunities for unemployed and job-seeking individuals. This includes funding for measures aimed at activation and professional integration, such as personal coaching and support for re-entering the job market.

For more information, visit www.arbeitsagentur.de

With your funding, you can start with us and begin your training or continuing education!