Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH

Terms and Conditions

Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH Represented by the Managing Director Olivia Aschke
Ruhrstraße 22 – 58452 Witten

§1 Official Authorization
Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH holds temporary accreditation under the Accreditation and Approval Regulation for Employment Promotion (AZAV).

§2 Registration
Registrations must be made in writing using the designated form for each offering. By registering, you confirm your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive a confirmation and, at least 14 days before the event begins, an invoice. Sending the registration confirmation constitutes acceptance of the training contract.

§3 Payment
Invoices and, if applicable, reminders are due within 7 calendar days. According to § 286 Abs. 3 BGB, you will be in default 24 days after receipt of the invoice and its due date without a separate reminder. From the start of default, you are liable for damages due to the delay and for late fees. Current reminder costs are 12.50 EUR, and the interest rate is 5% of the invoice amount. Participants and those liable for payment are jointly responsible for fees and default consequences.

§4 Installment Payments
Installment payments may be requested. Approval and structuring of installments (number of payments) are at the sole discretion of Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH. Installments are spread over the duration of the course. If the payer or participant defaults on up to two installments, the entire fee becomes immediately due.

§5 Exclusion from Classes
If a payment is overdue by more than 4 weeks, whether under an installment plan or a lump sum, Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH may temporarily or permanently exclude the participant from classes.

§6 Cancellation by Us
If a course is fully booked or the minimum number of participants is not reached, you will be enrolled in the next available course, and you will be informed promptly. If a course is permanently canceled, any payments made will be refunded.

§7 Cancellation by You
If you cannot attend despite a binding registration, please contact us immediately. We will attempt to fill the vacant place. If we cannot find a replacement, refunds will not be provided according to the following rules: You can cancel free of charge up to four weeks before the event. After that, cancellation fees apply: up to 50% of the course fee for day events if canceled less than four weeks before the start, or the full course fee if canceled closer to the start or in case of non-attendance. Cancellations must be made in writing. The date of receipt by the company is decisive. Replacing a participant is possible at any time if the replacement meets the participation requirements. Changing participants during an ongoing course is not possible. If a participant cannot attend and wishes to reschedule, we will try to offer up to two alternative dates, though there is no entitlement to this.

§8 Termination
During an ongoing course, you can terminate with a 3-month notice period to the end of the month, effective upon receipt by us. The participant’s right to terminate for important reasons remains unaffected. The participant has a free right of withdrawal up to 4 weeks after contract conclusion or until the start of the course. Immediate and free termination is possible if a promised funding is not granted without fault of the participant.

§9 Changes in Execution
Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH reserves the right to appoint substitute instructors or change the content of the event for important reasons.

§10 Venue
Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH reserves the right to change the training venue for important reasons, even during an ongoing course.

§11 Copyright
Course materials are intended for use during and after the training. All rights, including translation rights, are reserved by the company or the rights holder. No part of the materials may be reproduced or used publicly in any form without written permission from the company or rights holder.

§12 Accident Insurance
Participants are covered by statutory accident insurance during training times, including the commute to and from the training site and during internships. This insurance does not cover activities unrelated to the training outside the training/internship site. There is no statutory accident protection for personal study phases outside the training site.

§13 Miscellaneous
Travel, meals, and hotel costs are not included in the price. Participants must observe the applicable safety regulations and house rules at the venue. The company is not liable for accidents, damage, or loss of personal items unless caused by deliberate or grossly negligent actions by the company or its employees. This limitation does not apply to injuries affecting life, body, or health.

§14 Participant Duties

  • Punctuality and regular attendance are required.
  • For long-term courses, regular participation and active engagement in all classes and exams are mandatory.
  • Absences exceeding 35% of the total course duration may result in exclusion from further participation without a refund.
  • Follow instructions from Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH staff.
  • Avoid disturbances, including using mobile phones during classes.
  • Treat facilities and equipment with care, including rented spaces and their surroundings.
  • Observe smoking bans except in designated areas.
  • Aschke Seminare und Qualifizierung GmbH reserves the right to exclude participants who deliberately or grossly negligently violate these duties, without a refund.

    §15 Exams / Certificates / Confirmations
    For external exams (e.g., IHK), the conditions of the examining body apply. Participants are responsible for registering for and paying exam fees, except for those funded by the Federal Employment Agency/Job Center. Certificates are only issued after full payment.

    §16 Jurisdiction
    The jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship and for enforcement proceedings is the location of our company.

    §17 Severability Clause
    If any provisions of these terms and conditions are invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected. The invalid provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that most closely achieves the economic intent of the original provision. This also applies if the terms and conditions are found to be incomplete.
